successful and leading international company

Mejai Salt Extraction

Mejai Salt Extraction (MSE) Ltd is a new company devoted to the production and export of natural salts and located on Sebkhet Boujmal of Zarzis, southeastern Tunisia. It is a
flourishing business endeavoring the production of more than 400 thousand tons of pure NaCl per year.


MSE Ltd is managed by a highly qualified staff and skilled professionals to create a successful and leading international company.

Commercial Vision

The commercial vision of MSE Ltd is to provide a wide range of sea salt products to satisfy their customers worldwide.


The production and sale of salts start in 2024 as bulk NaCl.



by evaporation of sea water in Sebkhet Boujmal of Zarzis, southeastern Tunisia, one of the most important Sebkha in Tunisia, its surface area covers
about 1200 Hectares.

MSE Ltd offers partnership and marketing opportunities for local and international investors, customers, and distributors, with exclusive privileges for select customers to secure a full or partial share of production.

Our Best


The area surrounding Zarzis is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year, along with low rainfall, conditions that promote the evaporation of brine and, consequently, the crystallization of salt.


The extracted salt is harvested and then processed for various applications.

Logistic Advantages

Our saltworks is located near the port of Zarzis, one of the most important ports in Tunisia, only 30 km away, which facilitates logistics..

Extraction Process

The extraction of our salt is carried out by collecting water from Bahiret El Bibane, which has a salinity twice that of seawater. This water naturally evaporates in ponds under the effect of the sun and wind.

Samples Analyzation

The raw NaCl samples, collected and analyzed by SGS certified laboratories, have shown excellent quality.


MSE Ltd produces various grades of bulk NaCl salt, including road salt, industrial salt, and curing salt.

Quality Management System

Production, processing and commercialization of sea saltThrough an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system
fulfills the requirements of the following standard:
ISO 9001 : 2015

Notre société, MEJAI SALT EXTRACTION est désormais certifiée ISO 9001:2015 par l'organisme DQS Maghreb. ,Numéro de certificat 40551279 QM15

Get in touch



67 Rue Alain Savary-1002 Tunis, Tunisie
Our Hours

MON-FRI 08:00 – 17:00

SAT 08:00 – 14:00

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